Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Weekend With El Cid

Sigh a weekend alone in Seremban. Well not really alone because Sidney is here with me. The other two went home after classes on Friday leaving Batman (me) and the Boy Wonder (Sid) all alone to fend for ourselves.

We were supposed to eat at the yummiest mamak place in SS2, the legendary Murni where they serve such wonderful, sumptuous, meatiest, most artery clogging food you ever masticated. LEISURE & SPORT GIFTS from PersonalizationMall One bite of the Roti Hawaii and you would understand why people risk future heart attacks for such a treat. Hell I even took the liberty of doing some brutal gym work just to not feel guilty when I shove that bad boy down my throat.

But sadly like all things in life, this one didn't really work out.

Sid and I, though grumpy, decided to make lemons out of lemonade . . . lemonade mixed with vodka that is.

Together with the vice-secretary of the SRC we went to the Family Store to buy a substance which is the answer and the cause to all life's problems.

It was roughly decided that we would test the detoxifying limits of our liver by pitting it against the full fury of alcohol . . . . to what we could afford lah.

However despite careful planning and much persuasion on my part to have a mini drinking session with our beloved SRC vice-sec it kind of fell apart due to lack of enthusiasm on her part.

Again Sid and I were thrown back into the purgatory of boredom.

Dejected and beginning to loose hope I decided to follow my impulse and buy something that I don't really need. A pair of gray-colored contacts just to see if I could scare the kids in my neighborhood.

So ends my wonderful Saturday evening with Sidney who is currently now cursing me for not drinking with him.

Sorry buddy.
I promise I'll drink to your health in 2 days time : )


Patt Irmina said...

hi sebby!!!

rmmbr me? *cheers!

found u thru cindy's.

Anonymous said...

sebby! found u thru cindy's :P

hope u rmmbr me :D

im linking u ok? said...

haha of course i remember you both. how have you guys been?