Friday, October 10, 2008

Way Things Used To Be

When I was back in Kuching during the Hari Raya holidays, I thought it would be a good idea to visit my old stomping ground with Ezam by my side.

The old place looks like how we left it 5 years ago. Only this time it appeared comparatively smaller.

Ah... many a fights had occurred here

We visited our old Form 5 classroom and tried to remember where we sat.

Form 5 was a hell of a year for most of us with the SPM examination and all.

It drove some of my classmates to the point of borderline psychotic behavior.

HALLOWEEN from Build-A-Bear When I look back at those times and comparing it with the stuff I have to face now, I would have laughed at the prospect of sitting for SPM.

Looks like they took apart the old hockey field and transformed it into a a marching ground for St Joseph's School Band.

I'm very critical of school bands, especially with my own. The supervising teachers (if you would even call them that) are only interested in how the students perform on the marching field. Not to worry how they seem to perform poorly in their academics as long as it brings glory to the school's name and give my ego and wallet that extra swelling.

The classes now have white boards and projectors. Hell, it even has a sound speaker to announce the start of the day.

I miss my old school. St Joseph is a La Salle School, a dying breed. These schools were run by missionaries who would unselfishly dedicate themselves to their profession. Some of the old teachers in my school are also made of the same mold.

Sadly the quality of the school has been going downhill. I am proud to say that St. Joseph is a school which prides itself on having strong Catholic roots, but at the same time respecting the religious needs of others.

Where in West Malaysia can you find a chapel and a surau just next door to one another?

Back here, there was little racial polarity. I have friends of many different races there. A few have been close to me throughout the years. When I went over to West Malaysia, the racial polarity here had me taken aback. To be friends with those of your same race, religion and creed to me is not only stupid but kind of boring.

Anyway. I had a good time reliving old memories in good ol' St Joseph. May it continue to remind me of my roots and my upbringing every time I go astray.


LagginGaL said...

I miss my old school too.. Too much has changed.. :(

Anonymous said...

Well written article.