Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Blog, New Life

Pardon the less than macho nickname of Banana Bear, drank like 3 glasses of kow kow coffee before the thought of KITCHEN & GIFT BOTTLES WATER from Hatley writing a blog again came back to me faster than diarrhea after a week long all you can eat clam buffet.

A new life has begun for most of us here in Seremban. New postings, new batches and new environment for all of us. Sometimes stress does get to us every now and then so it is good to have an outlet to allow some of the venom of criticism to ebb out from the wound of our egos.

How do would one do this you might ask? Well for me I think its best to get in touch with the kid within you once in awhile. Being serious all the time makes you age and you'll look like a prune at the age of 35. So play a trick and dance a dance once in awhile. It'll make you feel good about yourself.